Starting point / Destination : Pont de la Bâtiaz
Technique/Difficulty: easy
Fitness requirements: easy
Distance: 5.7 km
Total hiking time: 1h45
Season: May to october
Categorie: Wine producers
Categorie: Winetourism
Categorie: Wine producers
The path is crossing the terraced vineyards of Martigny above the city and the Rhone valley and it links the foot of the Château de la Bâtiaz to the hamlet of Plan Cerisier.
The trail can be followed most of the year depending on weather.
Time : approximately 2 hours round-trip.
Starting point / Destination : Pont de la Bâtiaz
Technique/Difficulty: easy
Fitness requirements: easy
Distance: 5.7 km
Total hiking time: 1h45
Season: May to october