Family business. Passion and oenotourism are our strengths.

Two terroirs:

– Sierre, Colline de Daval

– Chamoson, La Vouettaz

After spending several years in Argentina, our great-grandfather Candide Zufferey bought the Colline de Daval estate in 1910… and the vineyards have been handed down from generation to generation ever since.
However, it was only in 1987, after studying viticulture and oenology, that we decided to set up our own business producing and selling wines made from the grapes grown on the estate.

In 1993, we built a new wine cellar at the Colline de Daval, where wines from both Sierre and Chamoson are now made (Cave de la Vouettaz run by the Evéquoz family).
Terroir at Colline de Daval: the Colline de Daval, like all the other hills in the Sierre region, was formed 13,000 years ago following a huge landslide in the Bernese Alps, which gave birth to solid structures that resisted erosion by the Rhône. Today, these dominate the valley and the territory around Sierre.
Originally calcareous rock, the soil in the Colline de Daval vineyards is very heterogeneous and varies in depth (between 30 and 80 centimetres of gravelly earth). In certain places the Rhône has left behind alluvial deposits of sand, silt and coarse gravel. The soil is generally shallow and light and stony in texture, with some clay. While the hot and dry conditions initially make it difficult for the young vines to develop, after a few years the vineyard achieves an equilibrium that ultimately results in the production of some very fine wines. Vines have been planted here on the hill for more than a century, and are now able to thrive over the Colline’s 3.5 hectares.

Terroir at Chamoson (La Vouettaz): Originally calcareous and schist-rich rock formed by successive alluvial deposits from the Lozentze river, the soil here is light, deep, gravelly and fertile. Ideal conditions for growing and making wine.

We cultivate 16 plots of land covering a surface area of 2 hectares. The foremost names include Trémazière, Ravanay, Zoumaz, Beuble, Zaccout, Près des Pierres, La Vouettaz, etc.

Pratical information

Gare de Sierre
Ecoparc de Daval