Petite Arvine is the internationally renowned white Valais wine. It is a delicate grape, sensitive to wind, and it ripens late. As a result it demands the most exposure to sun, but preferably not in overly dry soil. Arvine gives a complete range of wines, each as exquisite and interesting as the last: the nervy dry version with its aromas of wisteria and grapefruit; the slightly sweet Petite Arvine with notes of rhubarb; and the many sweet flétris wines, often exceptionally concentrated, with very intense aromas of a wide variety of exotic fruits.


Floral hint of wisteria or gentian and fruit tending towards the exotic yet subtle spectrum, featuring pineapple, mango, passion fruit, grapefruit.
This wine is complex, concentrated, virile and intense. The rhubarb notes often come through, while the acidity can be high. The true signature of Petite Arvine is its subtle iodine-like character.
Genetically linked to grapes from Italy’s Val d’Aosta and neighbouring France, the Petite Arvine has been grown only in Valais since 1602.
8° - 10° C
Dry wines—seafood, shellfish, alpine pastures cheese.
Slightly bubbly—foie gras in terrine, parsley cheese.